Many Christians are ruining our ability to minister to others because of how we use social media. Since much of life’s discourse has moved from face-to-face conversations to online interactions, should Christians be more responsible with their posts, pages, tweets, likes, shares, and downloads?
After looking at a list of every sin in the Bible, I was WILDLY convicted. I discovered, even though I may “think” I have a great relationship with Christ, there is no way I could ever live up to the standard He has set. No matter how close we are to Jesus, it’s obvious we could always be closer. I want to share with you all, ways we can improve our proximity to the King.
Temptation is EVERYWHERE! No matter what you are attracted to… sex, food, money, power, pity, etc. all Christians must deal with temptation. But, the reason we can not beat tempation is because we do not realize the key to defeating temptation is recognizing the value of holiness. Instead of trying to avoid sin, we are trying to get as close to sin as possible without getting in trouble. Today, I address how to crush temptation once and for all.
So many Christians live in one of a few places when it comes to sin. The two most prevalent are that we either believe we are terrible, horrible, no good, very bad people, and Christ can’t be pleased with us, and there is nothing we can do, and if we just tried harder or prayed harder maybe we could finally be good children. Or there is the other where we live the “grace covers all” lifestyle and no matter what we do we can’t displease God so we use this liberty to do whatever we want to do. Now I understand that these to ways of living don’t apply to everyone on earth. If you’ve learned how to meet in the middle, then pass this show over to a friend you know who is struggling in this area. We all need to discover That Place Between Grace and Hell.
Sin has its benefits and you should know what they are! Find out the Top 5 Benefits of Sin in this episode of Moment of Clarity.